The Best Care from Veterinary Surgical Specialists
Our priority is to create a safe and comfortable space for patients from pre-surgical consultation to post-surgical recovery.
Pre-Anesthesia Blood Work
Blood work ensures the liver and kidneys are healthy enough to tolerate the anesthetic. It can also identify conditions that could cause complications if left untreated. The results are used to customize treatment for your pet.
Pre- & Post-Surgical Pain Management
Our pain management protocol is specific to the pet, depending on the blood work results. We will also explain and review all the medication, treatments, and restrictions your pet needs after surgery. We offer professional and careful veterinary surgical services to do what’s best for your pet.

Before-Surgery Instructions
- No food after 8:00 PM on the night before surgery
- Your pet can have water before surgery
- Check-in time at 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM the morning of the procedure
- Inform us about medications given 24 hours before surgery